Lula arrives in Japan to celebrate 130 years of diplomatic ties - 813BET - Melhor Entretenimento Lula arrives in Japan to celebrate 130 years of diplomatic ties - 813BET - Melhor Entretenimento

Lula arrives in Japan to celebrate 130 years of diplomatic ties

It is Lula's fifth trip to Japan as President of Brazil, including his two previous terms in office
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and First Lady Janja were welcomed by Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako on Tuesday at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, marking the start of the South American leader’s state visit to celebrate 130 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Brazil arguably hosts the largest Japanese-descendant population outside Japan with around 2 million people, while Japan is home to the fifth largest Brazilian community abroad, with around 200,000 people.

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By Thiago Gabriel

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