Rousseff to stay at BRICS Bank helm for 5 more years after Moscow's nod - 813BET - Melhor Entretenimento Rousseff to stay at BRICS Bank helm for 5 more years after Moscow's nod - 813BET - Melhor Entretenimento

Rousseff to stay at BRICS Bank helm for 5 more years after Moscow’s nod

Putin preferred to leave Rousseff rather than appoint a Russian official given his country's restrictions stemming from the war in Ukraine
Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will remain at the helm of the BRICS bloc’s Shanghai-based New Development Bank following Vladimir Putin’s green light, Agencia Brasil reported citing Brasilia’s newly-appointed Secretary for Institutional Relations Gleisi Hoffmann. Rousseff’s term was to end in July this year.

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By Thiago Gabriel

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